Every Wednesday, the children of Gan Bet prepare a pancake or waffle batter that Morah Carol cooks up for them. What goes on while she flips them in the pan? Here, Rosalie and Jonathan are playing Hebrew games that Morah Shira created: Rosalie is matching aleph bet blocks to a printed page; Jonathan is using a picture cube to dress a paper doll in winter clothing, using the Hebrew vocabulary for each piece (Morah Yael is standing behind him, lending support as needed). Jo-Jo is working on his individualized computer reading program; and Hannah S. enjoys the first batch of chocolate chip pancakes!

Because cooking is an activity that is associated with home, regular classroom cooking promotes a warm, secure environment. In this setting, children comfortably test their independence, making their own choices of learning activities, friends to join, and materials to use. These children are particularly lucky to have teachers who have manipulated the environment to make sure that every choice is full of meaningful, constructive learning. 

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