He has been sighted at the Kotel in Yerushalayim, at Disneyland in California wit
h Mickey and Minnie, in front of the houses of Parliament in London, in the snows of Minnesota, as well as in an ice castle in Winnepeg, Canada.

Gan Daled enjoyed reading Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown. This book is about a young boy named Stanley who is accidentally squished "as flat as a pancake" when a bulletin board f
alls on him. Stanley is very, very flat but otherwise fine. He can slide under doors, go down into sidewalk grates, and even fold himself up small enough to fit into an envelope and be mailed to California for an exciting vacation.
Each child created his/her own Flat Stanley and included him in the letters we sent to relatives and friends all over the world asking about weather and living conditions at their locations. Flat Stanley may be a paper doll but he is no couch potato! He has visited many parts of the globe and our class has been posting the results on a bulletin board with a map of the world. Flat Stanley has helped us learn geography and how weather affects our lives.
We can't wait to read the other installments of Flat Stanley's adventures!
This is an amazing class project. It's very hard to teach geography in a meaningful way to young children, but you've succeeded magnificently!