Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Protecting Planet Earth
Ganon Bet returned from our Pesach vacation to a surprise! Our garden that we had planted in the fall had blossomed with Hyacinths and Daffodils. This coincides with our study of planet earth. We know that we need to keep the earth clean so that we have clean air to breathe and water to drink. How does your family help keep planet earth clean?
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Our Model Seder
The children made the charoset for our model seder which we had on Tuesday morning together with Ganon Bet. They enjoyed using real (plastic) knives to chop the apples themselves!
We went through the entire seder, from Kadesh through Nirtza - singing, dipping, eating, drinking, and crunching the whole way through! We hope your seders at home will be as much fun as ours was at school!!
Gan Aleph's Model Seder!
On Wednesday, the child
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Ganon Aleph Searches and Burns!

After cleaning our classroom for Pesach, the children searched for chametz using a candle, feather, and spoon. The following morning we went outside to burn the pieces of chametz which we found. This was great practice for helping you out at home!!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
We have been observing the bread and as we saw changes we referred back to our predictions and found that some were correct. Mold, which began as fuzzy and white with blue spots, has become a bluish green color and has overcome most of the
breads. The only breads left untouched by mold are the tortilla and matza which are both unleavened and do not contain yeast.
The children learned that mold is not a plant or an animal but rather a fungus and needs moisture to grow. Some mold such as that used in the production of antibiotics can be helpful.
Jumping for Joy in Gan Aleph

Gan Aleph was super excited to get new jump ropes to play with just in time for Spring. This was a great new tool that the children could use to sharpen their gross motor skills. Many of the children were eager to learn how to jump rope. During our outdoor play time, Morah Lauren taught small groups of children how to use the jump ropes correctly and safely. The children learned how to bring the ropes back behind their heels and to jump when the rope came to their toes. In the coming weeks, we are also going to learn some new jump roping rhymes! Jump rope is a great way to have fun and exercise at the same time!
Cleaning for Pesach
Some of the children cleaned out their cabinets at home and brought in their leftover snacks for our "chametz party" on Monday. After this, the children used sponges and rags to scrub our classroom for Pesach. This was more fun than it sounds, as you can see!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Matzoh Making in Gan Bet
The time to bake matzoh has arrived! The children were very excited to learn first hand about matzoh baking. Each child was given a special matzoh bakers hat.They examined the wheat kernels and helped crush them. They mixed water and flour and then learned how to knead the dough. Each child flattened a piece of dough and rolled it into a very thin circle. Using a special tool, they were able to put the holes in the dough. The dough then went into the oven and the children were so excited to see their finished matzoh.
We saved the matzoh for our class seder and the children cannot wait to eat their very own matzoh! This was a fun learning experience for all.
Learning about Life Cycles in Gan Aleph

The children were provided with more pictures, this time of the different stages in a frog's life. They worked together to put the pictures in the proper order, and learned that frogs start off as eggs. The egg hatches into a tadpole which then grows
into a froglet and ultimately a frog!

We read the book If You Hopped Like Frog, by David Shwartz and recreated his book with our own ideas and frogs jumping off the page! Through this book ,we learned that frogs can jump a distance of 20 times its body length! We took turns jumping on a number line to see how far we could jump and compared it to a frog's jumping abilities!

Frogs here, Frogs there, Frogs were jumping everywhere...Especially in Gan Aleph!!!!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
No "Lashon Hara!"
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
During the next few months the potato sprouted roots and leaves which grew
into vines. The root and leaves grew and grew until we decided that we didn't have a container large enough to hold them and it was time to transfer the potato into the ground.
The children enthu
siastically dug a large hole and planted the potato in it. They replaced the soil and carefully watered the plant. We will be o
bserving our plant and hope it will continue to flourish.
We would love to hear from anyone who knows how we will know if potatoes are growing underground.
Nature Hunt in Gan Bet
Armed with magnifying glasses, shovels, sticks and a big box, the children embarked on a nature hunt. Their goal was to find earthworms. Using the magifying glasses, they carefully examined the grassy areas outside. When they discovered a worm they used the shovels to gently place the worm in a specially prepared box.
We brought the worms inside and proceded to build a "wormery". The children added sand and dirt to create layers, then added some water and finally leaves for the worms. They gently placed the worms in their new home. We are hoping to see the tunnels that they worms will dig!
Matzah Ball Fun
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Reflecting On Monet
Gan Daled learned about the Impressionist painter, Claude Monet. His style of painting received its name from his famous painting, Impression:Sunrise.
Monet loved to paint reflections. The children talked about reflections and discovered they could see their own reflection
s right in our room - in our mirror.
The class was fascinated to learn that Monet's studio was on a boat giving him the ability to travel on the river and paint.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Pesach Is In The Air.
Pesach is coming and Gan Daled is working hard preparing for it. The children are busy making Haggadot and Matza covers to enhance their Seder table. Our builders and architects are busy building Egyptian pala
ces and pyramids while dramatizing the Pesach story and singing Pesach songs. Our artists are creating pictures depicting the holiday story and use them on our board.Yes, definitely, Pesach is coming.
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