On Wednesday, the child

ren of Gan Aleph came to school dazzling in their finest clothin

g for our very own model seder! The table was set with the various items needed for a Pesach seder and the children even had their own place cards by their seats. We began with lighting the candles and singing the order of the seder. The voices of Gan Aleph permeated through the halls as we made kiddush, sang the Ma Nishtana and practiced every step of the Seder. The children were smiling from ear to ear as they shared what they had learned about Pesach and some of the divrei torah that wrote in their haggadot. Gan Aleph even looked for the Afikoman and found it hiding amongst the books int he library! The seder concluded with Nirtzah where we sang "Leshana Haba Beyrushalayim" and danced through the halls of the early childhood. We sang "Who knows one?" and focused on what each number represented. We truly felt like a family and really enjoyed preparing for this holiday wit the children of Gan Aleph. Have a wonderful Pesach!
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