You could say "Curiosity got the best of us", as the children in Gan Bet started to ask some really grown-up questions about the upcoming chag of Purim.

We took our questions to Rabbi Knapp, who in turn, invited any available Rebbeim from Yavneh Academy to come to answer our questions. The children excitedly anticipated the arrival of our special guests by preparing snacks for the rabbis. What ensued was remarkable; a question and answer session with three of our most beloved rebbeim! Rabbi Knapp, Rabbi Penn, and Rabbi Ross arrived with sources in hand to show the children the special sefarim that helped them find answers.

The children were truly amazed and in awe of their special visitors and enjoyed the dialogue that was open to them to ask their questions and discuss their answers. The connection and love which these children formed with these three rebbeim is undescribable. The encouragement and respect to ask questions has truly been impressed on the children in Gan Bet and has taken their learning to a whole other level!