In honor of Tu B'Shvat, the early childhood classes conducted a nature scavenger hunt. Each class was given a long list of items to find on our school grounds. Some of these items were: twigs, stems, different types of leaves and rocks, pine cones, pods, moss, vines, and bark. Each item was either collected or documented, along with the location where it was found. Gan Bet brought several tools to aid the search, including sticky bracelets, binoculars, magnifying glasses, clip boards and pencils, cameras, and dough for making impressions. We gathered an amazing collection of natural items, and learned many new things. Inside, each child was treated to a cupcake from the yummy tree that we all baked. We sang Yom Huledet to the trees, and put up a bulletin board with pictures and items that we found on our hunt.

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