Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Gan Aleph on the Map!

What would you do if you were walking to the ice cream store and got lost!? This is the scenario that Gan Aleph was presented with this week. After brainstorming answers such as use a gps or ask for directions one child yelled out "Look at a map!" We began discussing what a map is and different kinds of maps that we use. We read the book Me on the Map by Joann Sweeny. We followed up this book with an interactive stacking activity. The children were presented with stacking blocks with pictures of the universe, the earth, North America, United States, New Jersey, names of our towns etc. We learned that the biggest place of all is the universe, since it is all inclusive of the rest of the blocks. We then stacked the earth on top of the universe and North America on top of the earth. Each block got smaller and smaller until we ended with a big tower and picture of the morah up on top. This activity allowed the children to visualize our place on the map. We are a part of a family in a house which is a part of a street, which is a part of a town etc. During center time, the children chose their own special place or room to draw a map of using what we had already learned about maps. Some children drew a map of their bedroom while others drew maps of their playrooms or favorite playground. They thought carefully about all of the different things they would need to put in their maps and the colors that they should use. They dictated the different items so that their map could be labeled. The children completed their maps by filling out the sentences “This is _____(name). This is _____ (name) on a map of ________ (place),” just like we had read in the book. 

What a fun interactive way to learn all about maps!


  1. The visual representation of using stacking blocks to demonstrate the importance and uniqueness of every individual child as well as how every child is part of a family, community, etc. was totally "out of the box" (no pun intended!). Awesome activity!!!!

  2. The blog is back, yay! Can't wait to see all the fun things you do!
