If you ask Gan Aleph what happens to an animal when they hibernate, they will tell you that their body temperature drops very low and this slows down their heart rate and their breathing. What does the word "temperature" mean? We spent time exploring this concept and discovered that temperature is the measure of how hot or cold something is. If something is hot it has a higher temperature than our bodies and if something is cold it has a lower temperature then our bodies. We looked at our class thermometer and saw the mercury inside. We talked about how the outdoor te

mperature is measured versus our bodies. The children were surprised to hear that you can also measure the temperature of foods and liquids with a special food thermometer! During center time, we put these ideas to the test. The children were presented with a chart of 5 liquids on it (cold water, hot water, apple juice, oil and milk). We took turns sticking the thermometer in the liquids and writing down the temperature. The children thought it was so interesting how the arrow in the thermometer quickly moved all the way up the numbers when we stuck it in the boiling water. We observed which liquid had the highest temperature and which the lowest. Gan Aleph tampered with temperature and enjoyed every minute of it!
Love it! Thanks for the post!
ReplyDeleteTotally terrific turn-taking temperature task!!!