Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Adventures in Exploring the Teivah

 After trying our own abilities at designing floating structures,
the children in Gan Bet used the knowledge of Noach's teivah-building instructions
in their own building challenges...

We used our fine-motor skills to grasp items of food, animals,
 people and garbage and placed them in their assigned spots on a three-tiered teivah.

Then we experimented with designing our own teivot incorporating the aspects of material, construct, and design which Noach had to follow....

See how we used wood just like Noach...

...incorporated three levels into our building...

...and made sure to add a window just like Noach!

Of course, everybody had their own variation despite the boundaries of the building...

Then we applied the ideas of teamwork and planning 
which Noach may have used when building the teivah with his family...

 The experience was such an amazing way for us to appreciate 
how we can all arrive at such varied conclusions, 
even with the same instructions!

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