Sunday, December 15, 2013

Chazak Chazak V'Nitchazaik!

On Friday, Gan Gimmel commemorated the reading of the last Parsha in Sefer Bereshit together with the other Gan and Gannon classes. We sang songs and listened to stories to guide us through all of the parshiot. When it came time for Gan Gimmel to teach the other classes about Parshat Chayei Sarah and Parshat Toldot, we acted out the stories using props!

Then, it was time for our kiddush. We drank grape juice, ate potato kugel that we made in our class, ate cupcakes that were part of our forefather's "family tree," and sang "Chazak, chazak, v'nitchazaik!"


  1. Loved all the excitement and enthusiasm around the big day! Kol HaKavod for putting together such a special celebration. J Knapp

  2. What a fabulous way to celebrate all of the learning that took place throughout Sefer Bereshit! Yasher koach to all of the morot and the yeladim!
