Sunday, October 31, 2010
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Challah Baking
Yitzchak and Rivka's Wedding
Mazal Tov! We celebrated Yitzchak and Rivka's wedding in Gan Daled. The brides wore beautiful gowns, and the grooms looked very handsome in their kafias (headdresses). The musicians played their handcrafted instruments and added spirit and joy to the occasion. The Rabbi looked distinguished in his black hat, and the chefs outdid themselves in making a delicious wedding cake. The flowers, created by Gan Daled's florists, added color and beauty to the festive tables. Bridemaids, dancers, and guests celebrated together. A great time was had by all.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Green Meadows Was The Place To Be
The foliage was glorious and the weather was great when Gan Daled visited Green Meadows Farm. Our day began with a tractor drawn hayride traveling through woods. The children observed leaves of different shapes and colors. Gan Daled had the opportunity to learn about farm animals and have first hand experiences by touching the animals. Some of the animals were cows, horses, turkeys, goats, chickens and sheep. Those who were brave, chose to milk a cow. After a pleasant picnic lunch each child picked a pumpkin to take home. The trip will be remembered by all.

Ganon Aleph Checks the Pipes Around Yavneh

Our trip to The Zoo
Before going on our trip to Turtle Back Zoo, the children explored the differences between wild animals and domestic animals. We learned that wild animals take care of themselves. They find their own water, food and places to live. Domestic animals are taken care of by people. They don’t have need to look for food, water or homes. We made lists of animals that are wild and those that are domestic. We discovered that some animals can be both, such as: horses, turtles, snakes, fish, hermit crabs and birds. We then took our plastic animals out of the bin and grouped them using a Venn diagram (wild, domestic, & some animals who can be both).
Having Fun at the Turtleback Zoo
We had a beautiful day for our visit to the Turtleback Zoo this week. The children got to see domestic animals, farm animals, and some wild animals too! This trip tied in nicely with our parasha discussion of taking care of animals the way Rivka took care of the camels and made sure they had enough to drink.
Gan Gimmel Goes to the Farm!
Gan Gimmel hovered over the farm animals at Green Meadows Farm. "We were petting the goat and it didn't run or anything. It felt soft and I liked his hair," says Eric Roher, third from left in photo. We saw many animals and especially enjoyed hand feeding the goats, milking the cow and going on a bumpy hayride.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Fall Leaves

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Gan Daled Welcomes Shabbat
Gan Daled Sees "Red"
Not even the rain could dampen our spirits. We "fired up" our class this week with an informative visit from some friendly fire fighters. They showed the children how a fire fighter is dressed when he is fighting a fire. The children learned about important fire safety tips which were reinforced in our classroom. Gan Daled was very excited to have their pictures taken with Sparky.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Home Sweet Home
Avraham's Tent

This week Gan Daled learned about the mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim from Parsha Lech Lecha. After we spoke of how Avraham welcomed his guests we had a chance to visit his tent. This interactive, hands on Parsha experience truly brought to life our forefather's love for this mitzvah. The children enjoyed dramatizing the story of Avraham and the three angels. As expected, Avraham and Sarah treated the Gan Daled visitors to a delicious snack.
We really got our hands wet as we continued re-enacting scenes from the Parsha. The children helped make a well and filled it with water. Just as Avraham used well water to wash his guests' feet, Gan Daled is using the well water to wash their hands for Hamotzei.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Geometry in Gan Gimmel
Boating in Gan Bet
Avraham & Sara's Tent
On Tuesday, the children put on their jackets, grabbed a carpet square and were off to a surprise destination. When they got outside the building they noticed a tent. Immediately, they asked if Avraham was inside the tent. Upon entering the tent and finding it was empty,we decided to use our imaginations and pretend that we were in Avraham and Sara’s tent in Eretz Canaan. We reviewed the Parsha, read stories and ate snack in the tent. We noticed that this tent had 4 openings just like Avraham's tent. The reason it was open on all 4 sides was so they could welcome many guests from every direction; east, west, north and south and do the mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim.
An Interactive Map In Ganon Bet
We “mapped out” a terrific learning environment for Ganon Bet! After discussing maps, and looking at various samples, the children worked together with their morot to compose huge, interactive map of their hometowns, Fair Lawn, Teaneck, New Milford and Bergenfield.
Each child designed his/her own house, selecting shapes of various sizes. The houses are placed on the appropriate street on the map, and the children use toy cars to navigate and visit each other! They have used many skills to engage in this project, including math (spatial relationships, shapes, numbers): literacy (street names); and social studies (communities). In addition, knowing their address is an important safety skill for young children. To reinforce this knowledge, the morot call them to line up by addresses instead of their names. So much learning embedded in fun and games!

Ganon Aleph in Avraham's Tent

Journal Writing
Friday, October 15, 2010
Ganon Aleph's Neighborhood Map
Fun and Fitness
Georgia Cohen
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Sink Or Float?
This past week we learned about two sailors (Noach and Christopher Columbus). The class was interested in how Noach's Ark and Christopher Columbus' ships were able to float on the water. We performed experiments to see which objects would float on top of liquid and which would sink. At the Science Center Gan Daled predicted and recorded which items will sink and which will float. The children enjoyed pushing a cork below the water and watching it pop back up to the surface. We read the book Floating and Sinking by Fred Biddulph. The children are excited about continuing to experiment at home.
For more information about displacement please go to:
Ganon Bet goes to Eretz Canaan
Please enjoy our journey into the desert!!!
Get on the Chart
Gan Aleph on the Map!
In conjunction with Parshat Lech Lecha, we began the week discussing all of the various ways to find directions should we get lost. The children discussed the functionality of a GPS, compass, map and even how important it is to ask for help when we need it. This week, we focused on maps and how and why they are so important. We read the book Me on the Map, by Joann Sweeney.
We followed up this book with an interactive geography activity. The children were presented with stacking blocks that had pictures of the universe, the earth, United States, New Jersey, names of our towns etc. We discussed that the biggest place out of all of these is the Universe since it is all inclusive of the rest of the blocks. We then stacked the earth on top of the Universe and North America on top of the earth. Each block got smaller and smaller until we ended with a big tower and a funny picture of Morah Aviva up on top. This activity allowed the children to really conceptualize and visualize our place on the map. We are a part of a family in a house which is a part of a street, which is a part of a town etc. The tower was left on the science table for the children to manipulate and play with on their own.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Where In The World Is Gan Daled?
In conjunction with this week's Parsha of Lech Lecha where we learn of Avraham's travels, Gan Daled honed their map skills. The children enjoyed locating places on maps. They were introduced to directions: north, south, east and west. The class learned how the key helps us in using maps. We made a map of our room and the children were very excited to become cartographers. We all enjoyed the trip!
Color Week
Going on a Trip Like Avraham
After learning about Hashem telling Avraham to pack up and move to a new place in this week's Parashat Lech Lecha, the children in Ganon Aleph designed their own suitcases and "packed" them full of items they would take with them on a trip! They used their fine motor skills when they used scissors and cut out their suitcases and different items from magazines and circulars.
Ganon Bet Explores Fall
Ganon Bet Explores Fall
We know that the season changed to fall. We noticed that some of us are wearing long sleeved clothes, sweaters and jackets to school. We discussed how the world around us is changing: animals are storing food, leaves are beginning to turn different colors, and geese are beginning to migrate south.
We went on a nature walk and discovered the beautiful colors of nature. The children saw deciduous trees and evergreen trees, ask your child what that means. We brought different objects inside and made a color graph of things we discovered.
We know we live on the planet earth. We had a child demonstration of how the earth revolves around the sun. We also learned the reason for the changing seasons in relationship to where the sun and earth are at different times of the year.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Writing Like a Sofer in Gan Aleph

Designers and Builders in Gan Bet
With the material available they began, working in small groups, to design their boats. When they were satisfied with the design they began constructing their boats. When all of the children have completed their boats we will be taking the boats outside to test if they will sink or float.
Gan Gimmel children become architects
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Gan Daled Adopts Woody
This week Gan Daled learned about Parshat Bereshit. In recognition of Hashem creating vegetation on the third day, Gan Daled adopted a tree. The children were very excited and chose a tree near the playground. We could not wait to name our tree. The class used their creativity to suggest names such as Barky, Blossom and Woody. Gan Daled voted and Woody was the winner. We took a leaf from our tree and compared it with the leaves in the book Autumn Leaves. The class learned that Woody is a maple tree. We hope to watch Woody as he changes through the seasons.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Gan Bet Explores
We have been tasting Fall fruits. this week the children tasdted apricots, plums, pears and pomegranites. They discoved that some fruits have seeds and others have a stone. The best part of the exploration was tasting the fruits.
The children continue to explore the art process. They were very busy painting a large tevah for the class. Their painting was very detailed. they loved painting on the floor on a very large canvas.
Ganon Aleph Builds a Teivah
Gan Aleph's Animal Planet!
In relation to Parshat Noach, Gan Aleph graphed a box of animal crackers. The children had a blast putting the different animal shapes in the correct column and counting how many of each were in the box. We looked at which animal shape had the least amount in the box and which had the most. Of course, our favorite part of this activity was when we got to eat the crackers! YUM YUM!