It's apple season in Ganon Bet! We discovered that if you cut an apple in half it's wet, damp or slimy inside. We put lemon juice on half the apple and left the other half alone. We're going to see what happens. We cut different apples in half and counted the seeds inside, some apples had 8 seeds and others had 11. We had a tasting party! We tried a Macintosh apple, Red Delicious, Yellow Golden and a Granny Smith. the apples tasted: juicy, sweet, sour, and crunchy. We made a graph and decided the Granny Smith was our favorite apple.
We measured ourselves with a big apple some of us are tall and others are smaller. We discussed that being the tallest doesn't necessarily mean you are the oldest. Also being the smallest doesn't mean you are the youngest.
Don't forget to look at our bulletin board we rewrote the book Ten Apples Up On Top by Dr.Seuss!
We cut and peeled the apples to make apple sauce for Shabbat party it tasted so good.
Ganon Bet enjoyed acting out the poem Ten Little Apples!
Watch our children making apple sauce!!!
I love the video! The kids look so empowered with their tools to peel and cut the apples.