Gan Daled is having a wonderful time conducting experiments with plants. At Chanukah time we examined potatoes - how they grow and what we can make from them. We placed a sweet potato so that half of the potato was in water and half was out of the water. We waited and waited. After several weeks we saw roots grow from the potato. A number of weeks later leaves emerged from the potato and we now have a beautiful plant.
We took two c

elery stalks and placed one in a container with red food coloring and one in a container with blue food coloring. The children have been observing the colors travel through the celery all the way up to the leaves. They are learning how food travels through

a plant.
The children planted bird seed for Tu B'Shevat which has grown into

various types of grasses. We are depriving one plant of water and one pla

nt of light. Gan Daled has observed that the plant that was deprived of light stopped growing and the plant that was deprived of water died. They concluded that plants need both water and light to survive.
What a gorgeous post, showcasing your class's rich learning experiences.