Gan Aleph has been busy exploring shadows! On Monday, we went outside to look for our shadows, but could not seem to find them! Were they hiding? Did they disappear!? The children decided we could not find our shadows because it was very very cloudy. We observed how the shadows of clouds fall on earth and make the day darker.
On Wednesday, the sun was shining so we again tried to find our shadows. The children smiled with joy as we walked outside
We decided to have fun with our shadows and trace them with sidewalk chalk! The children took turns tracing each other, tracing the morahs and chasing Morah Aviva's shadow! Once all the shadows were "stuck" to the ground (via sidewalk chalk) the children tried to fit themselves inside their friends' shadows! It was interesting to see who was shorter than their friend's shadow, who was taller than their friend's shadow and who was a perfect fit!
What a fun way to conclude our unit on shadows!
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