Early Childhood children learn best by active learning. In Ganon Bet, to bring the 10 Makkot to life , stations were set up every day to represent the different Makkot. Starting with Dam, we took a spray bottle and mixed food coloring with water. Then we had a chance to spray coffee filters. Sefardea was next. At this station we made frog puppets. Kinim could be found in our rice table. Animal print papers were made into collages to represent Arov. Many wild animals must have escaped Mitzrayim and made their way into Ganon Bet's puppet theater for Dever. The children played with these puppets and use them to dramatize this Makka.
Shecin was a lot of fun, jumping on bubble wrap and pretending they were boils. For Barad we played with frozen ice that had red pom poms in it to represent the fire! For Arbeh we had an insect hunt outside.
Finally, we climbed through a dark tunnel to represent choshech.