Who can call the name of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai without thinking of his teacher, Rabbi Akiva! Gan Bet learned that Rabbi Akiva taught Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai the secrets of the Torah along with those very famous words, "V'Ahavta L'Reiacha Kamocha". We saught opportunities to put those words into action immediately; children displayed acts of kindness towards their friends, as they picked up after each other, shared toys and games, held the doors open for one another, and shared words of caring and kindness. As a visual representation of our thoughts on the idea "V'Ahavta L'Reiacha Kamocha", the children each illustrated a puzzle piece with pictures of chessed and kindness. We fit all of our pieces together and found that together, they form the ultimate representation of Love and Kindness, a huge heart. Twenty-two faces shined with pride and accomplishment as we gazed upon our final product.

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