Friday, November 30, 2012
Ganon Bet, Ganon Bet What Do You See?
Ganon Bet Does Yoga!
This week Ganon Bet was lucky to host a bunch of guests including Mommies and Grandma's! On Wednesday morning, Zachary's Mom who is a Physical Therapist helped us stretch our muscles and learn various poses from yoga. We became volcanoes and threw out lava, ice cream, and monkeys! We loved listening to the calming nature music and seeing how hard we could push ourselves!
Busy Little Maccabees in Ganon Aleph
Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, Ganon Aleph has shifted into high gear with our Chanukah preparations. The children are becoming very familiar with the story of the Maccabees and their fight against Antiochus and his soldiers. They enjoy spending time around our Chanukah discovery table where they do a lot of counting, classifying, problem-solving and socializing.
They have been busy working on Chanukah projects which will go home in time for the holiday. Here you can see them sanding down the wood for their chanukiyot, decorating cans to hold the candles, painting their 3-D dreidels, and designing their 4-sided dreidel hangings.

We have many exciting activities planned for the days leading up to Chanukah as well as for Chanukah week!
They have been busy working on Chanukah projects which will go home in time for the holiday. Here you can see them sanding down the wood for their chanukiyot, decorating cans to hold the candles, painting their 3-D dreidels, and designing their 4-sided dreidel hangings.
We have many exciting activities planned for the days leading up to Chanukah as well as for Chanukah week!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Thanksgiving Wrap-up!
Enjoy this slideshow of some of what we did to prepare for and celebrate Thanksgiving! Today, we continued the theme of being thankful by writing thank you notes to those who help us at home and all around! (Look for those in this week's Friday folder. ) We hope you and your families had a wonderful Thanksgiving break and are looking forward to Chanukah!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Waste Not Want Not
Husking corn |
Painting with corn cobs |
We also used corn cobs to play a Native American game where children threw the corn cobs into a basket.
Gan Daled used the husks from the corn cobs as paint brushes to make a colorful mural.
Painting with corn husks |
Gan Daled Has A Vested Interest In Thanksgiving
understanding of patterning. Using manipulatives, they made patterns which they were able to describe. Following this exciting activity, Gan Daled observed Native American decorations and put their skill of patterning to use in creating beautiful beaded necklaces. Thanks to Flora's mom, Bassie Lewis, for using her beading talents to help us. The children also used their patterning skills to decorate Native American vests. They were very excited to wear their vests and necklaces at our Thanksgiving feast.
Flora and her Mom showing her beaded necklace |
Friday, November 16, 2012
Sailing with the Mayflower in Ganon Bet
In Ganon Bet we discussed different sizes. We brought that discussion to the sails on the Mayflower. Which size sail helped the boat more quickly. The children became the wind by blowing through straws. Ask us who won the race.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Cooking Lentil Soup in Ganon Aleph
Monday, November 12, 2012
Hachnasat Orchim
Tasty Torah Treats
After learning about the mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim that Avraham Avinu loved to do, Gan Daled was invited to Gan Bet's classroom. Since we (Gan Daled) were the guests, we thought it would be nice to bring something to our hosts. We brought along a terrific book called, I Go Visiting, by Rikki Benenfeld. The yeladim noticed the ryming pattern in the book and they enjoyed joining in to complete the sentences.
Following the story, Gan Bet shared a delicious snack. Each child made their own tent cookies using chocolate chip cookies, yummy vanilla frosting and brown ice tea crystals to remind us of the desert and a chocolate kiss to resemble a tent. The children not only enjoyed making the scrumptious cookies but enjoyed eating the cookies alongside their friends too!
Todah rabah to Gan Bet for being amazing hosts!
Be Our Guests!
Bruchim HaBaim LeGan Bet! We excitedly welcomed our friends from Gan Daled, while practicing the mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim, just like Avraham Avinu!
Our gracious guests brought a story to share with us.....
And Gan Bet served up a snack in turn, as we made Avraham's Tent Cookies!
We spread some frosting.....
Sprinkled some "sand".......
And placed the "tents" on our "desert" cookies.....
We enjoyed time with our friends from Gan Daled all the while!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Ganon Aleph Inspects Yavneh's Pipes
How Do We Get Water?
In this week's Parsha, we learned how Rivka had to go to the well to get water for her family. We concluded that long ago there was no indoor
plumbing, so they got their water from a well. This led to a discussion of how we get our water today. One of the children suggested that water comes from pipes! We had a hands – on demonstration and searched the “pipes of Yavneh”. We
examined the plumbing system in our classroom and then went down to the
“bowels” of the school and saw all of the pipes twisting and turning that carry
the water and waste throughout the building. We created our own pipe system
with pvc pipes and watched sand flow through the pipes.
Challah Baking In Ganon Bet
In this weeks Parsha, Chayei Sarah we met Sarah Emeinu. Sarah’s table in her tent always had fresh challah while she was alive, and when she died, it disappeared. When Rivka and Yitzchak got married, the challah reappeared. We learned that there is a special Bracha to say when we make 5 pounds of challah . We baked our very own challot this week with Howie’s mom. Before we baked them we took off a piece and said the bracha of Hafrashat Challah. We measured, poured, mixed, kneaded, and then braided our challot. We even made one big one to eat at our Shabbat party! Boy, were they yummy.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
Camille Saint-Saens,
Carnival of the Animals,
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