Once upon a time, in the town of Paramus, there lived a class called Gan Aleph. For a few weeks, Gan Aleph focused on stories about different kinds of vegetables. They read the books
The Enormous Turnip, The Giant Carrot, The Giant Cabbage and
The Enormous Potato. In each story, these vegetables grew to be very large that the gardener in the story needed a whole team of people or animals to help pull it out of the ground. The children decided to create their own versions of these stories. They spent time discussing what makes a good story...a plot, a setting, characters etc. Every day, they learned a mini-lesson related to letters, sounds, punctuation etc. in order to help develop their writing skills. Then, they wrote and they wrote and they wrote. Some children wrote about tomatoes while others wrote about pumpkins or carrots. One child even wrote about a giant radish. They even wrote all about the author! The day finally came when they finished their stories and were ready to share them with the world! They felt so proud of their new bulletin board titled "The Enormous Kinder-Garden" and hope that people stop to read them as they walk by. What a great way to culminate a year full of writing experiences!
Amazing job! Can't wait to read about the big watermelon.