Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ganon Bet Gardeners

Look what we grew!
 Ganon Bet proudly picked radishes and salad leaves from our garden today! We gave Ms. Terry our bounty.
Then we planted two different kinds of tomato plants and red pepper plants.
At lunch today Ms. Terry presented  us with a large tin of our washed salad greens and radishes.

Picking salad leaves!

Wow, look how much we picked!

Planting  a tomato plant!

Planting a pepper plant!

Sharing with Ms. Terry!

Our own yummy salad!

We like our salad fresh from the garden!


  1. Wow! What a wonderful snack that the students planted themselves.

  2. i am amazed with all that the children are learning, planting & growing in our ecd garden!

  3. Looks like a lot of fun!
