Monday, May 13, 2013

Cheesecakes for Shavuot

The children in Ganon Aleph learned about the custom of eating dairy foods on Shavuot because B'nai Yisrael had just received the Torah and did not yet know about the laws of kashrut.  We made our own yummy individual cheesecakes and are including the recipe so you can make them at home!  Chag Samayach!!

     2 8 oz. cream cheese
     3 eggs
     3/4 cup sugar
     1 tsp. vanilla
     1/2 cup flour
 Line muffin tin with Oreo cookie.  Beat cream cheese with other ingredients until fluffy.  Bake at 350 until firm.  Enjoy!


  1. Move over Susie Fishbein. This cheesecake is seriously delicious:)

  2. Daphna loved the great treat! Thanks for including a new recipe!

  3. Who would have thought an Oreo could be improved??? Nice job Ganon Aleph!
