When the children of Ganon Bet look outside they see bare trees.
How could it be spring when we just had snow here in New Jersey as Choref has just begun! |
It is hard to believe that it is already Tu B'Shvat in Eretz Yisrael. The trees have already started blooming. Since Tu B'Shvat falls during our vacation, we celebrated Tu B'Shvat with a seder in our class today. We sang songs and heard two stories. One was about
Rina and Her Birthday Surprise. The story was about a girl whose birthday is on Tu B'Shvat and found a special surprise outside her home. We also listened to a story about a boy named Jonathan who wanted to plant a tree on Tu B'Shvat but was unable to because the ground was frozen. As we heard the stories and sang songs, we had the oppurtunity to taste many of the Shivat Haminim. We had many brave tasters who were willing to try some new fruit! We made brachot and said a shehechiyanu too!
Dovi and Charlie eating yummy wheat crackers. |
The Shivat Haminim are sampled by the children. |
Regina is trying a new fruit-the T'Aina- fig |
Jack is getting ready to eat the juicy Zayit- olive. |
Such wonderful learning and so many opportunities to do a mitzvah by making brachot on the new fruit!