Friday, January 31, 2014

Virtual Mishkan By Gan Gimmel

In this week’s parsha, תרומה. Hashem asks Moshe to have Bnei Yisrael build a משכן, a holy dwelling place for him. Moshe asks Bnei Yisrael to contribute gold or silver to help build the משכן. Bnei Yisrael build a special מזבח in the משכן so they can bring קרבנות, animals, as presents to Hashem. They created a מנורה and a שלחן to hold the לחם הפנים, the holy bread. Hashem also told Moshe to build the ארון to have a safe place to keep the לוחות. They carried the משכן with them wherever they went in the desert. We discussed how our homes are permanent, along with our classroom and Yavneh Academy. We come to the same place everyday. When Bnei Yisrael were in the מדבר ,they would move around all of the time so everything had to be portable. That’s why many parts of the משכן  were put together with poles.

We worked as teams to create replicas of the כלים from the משכן. Each group picked from the various materials in our classroom to create their כלי and then worked together using a picture of the כלי to help replicate it to the best of their abilities. 

Please click on the link to enjoy our virtual Mishkan

1 comment:

  1. This was an absolutely incredible parsha project, one that I predict they will remember for a very long time! Yasher koach!!!
