Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy 64th to Eretz Yisrael!!

Yom Ha'atzmaut was such a special day at Yavneh! Gan Aleph went outside to dance to the music of the BaRock Orchestra with the entire school in celebration.  The children had so much ruach! Gan Aleph watched the 7th grade girls perform a special daglanut (Israeli flag dance) and we sang Hatikvah with the whole school.  Gan Aleph even released special blue and white balloons into the air after the Daglanut dance was done.

Once the dancing was over, "traveled" to Eretz Yisrael. We started our journey in the cafeteria on an imaginary jumbo jet where our captain Rabbi Penn explained all the safety rules.  We had an inflight snack of a beautiful cupcake cake in shape of an Israeli flag! Yum!

Once we "landed" the children "disembarked" to each Early Childhood classroom.  Every classroom was transformed into another major Israeli city.  The children went from class to class, drinking smoothies on the beach in Eilat and playing in the waterfalls of Ein Gedi.  They dug for artifacts and made artful jewelry in Tzfat and put notes in the Kotel in Yerushalayim.  They sweated it out in boot camp just like Tzahal and made Israeli salad on a kibbutz.

Am Yisrael Chai!


  1. Great pictures, looks like they had a blast.

  2. Love the pix and hearing what you guys did! Cake looks yummy too!
