Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Trip to Mezuzahland with Gan Gimmel!

How exciting it was yesterday when Gan Gimmel got to participate in the very special mitzvah of mezuzah! Rabbi Penn came to help us hang the brand new mezuzah on our doorpost. After all of our renovations in Early Childhood it was such a special zechut for our class to hang the mezuzah on the door.  The children learned that mezuzah literally means "doorpost".  We recited the special bracha over hanging a mezuzah. Then we read the story "A Trip to Mezuzahland" by Sara Lieberman.  What a special and exciting experience for the children! How many mezuzot do you have hanging in your house?

1 comment:

  1. Mazal tov to Gan Gimmel on performing and participating in such an incredible mitzvah. Making the bracha and affixing the mezuzah as a class is certainly going to make a most memorable impression on the yeladim about the importance of this mitzvah. Yasher koach!
