Friday, November 9, 2012

Challah Baking In Ganon Bet

 In this weeks Parsha, Chayei Sarah we met Sarah Emeinu. Sarah’s table in her tent always had fresh challah while she was alive, and when she died, it disappeared. When Rivka and Yitzchak got married, the challah reappeared. We learned that there is a special Bracha to say when we make 5 pounds of challah . We baked our very own challot this week with Howie’s mom.  Before we baked them we took off a piece and said the bracha of Hafrashat Challah. We measured, poured, mixed, kneaded, and then braided our challot. We even made one big one to eat at our Shabbat party! Boy, were they yummy.

1 comment:

  1. A huge thank you to Howie's mom for sharing her time and her famous delicious challah recipe with us!
