Thursday, December 20, 2012

So Much Chesed in Ganon Aleph!

After performing so many acts of chesed and filling our "chesed jar" to the halfway point, the children in Ganon Aleph celebrated with a popcorn party!  It works like this:  every time a child does an act of chesed, davens nicely, or cleans up particularly well, he or she puts a jelly bean in our chesed jar.  When the jar is filled halfway, they are rewarded with a popcorn party.  When the jar is filled all the way, we celebrate with an ice cream party.  We are now well on our way to the top!  Kol hakavod to the children for all the great chesed and mitzvot they have been doing!!

1 comment:

  1. Kol hakavod to Ganon Aleph on all of the chesed taking place! Kol hakavod to the morot for providing a fun & tasty way to encourage acts of chesed!
