Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ganon Aleph Parents Come to Visit

As our unit on the human body continues, several parents who happen to be in the medical field came to visit our class and talk about their specialties.

Avital's mom, an ophthamologist, talked to the class about our eyes, and also made "body" cookies with the children.

Zach F.'s dad, an allergist, talked to the children about allergies, and even demonstrated on Zach's mom's arm how to do an allergy test!

Gabi Z.'s mom, a science teacher at Yavneh, did some experiments to teach the children about breathing.

Ezra's dad, a gastroenterologist, talked to the children about digestion and about the job of our intestines.  He also talked about not putting objects in your mouth because you might swallow them, and showed the children some tools he uses to remove these objects when they are swallowed.

Donny's dad, a nephrologist, used a filter and some fake blood to help explain what our kidneys do for us.  He showed the children a model of the kidneys, and gave them their own squeezable kidneys to bring home.  He also gave us an "Asher Yatzar" wall hanging for our classroom, the important bracha we say after we go to the bathroom to thank Hashem that our bodies our working right.

Jakie's mom, who works at the Rockleigh Home, came to talk to the children about working with elderly people.  She explained that music is great therapy for elderly people and showed us a video of elderly people playing instruments.

We love when parents come to our classroom, and we look forward to more visits after vacation!

1 comment:

  1. So much learning taking place in Ganon Aleph and so much hachnasat orchid too!
