Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Purim Creativity in Ganon Aleph

We were so busy this week completing our Purim projects. Julie's mom, Arlene Shiner, came in to help the children decorate their mishloach manot baskets. The children designed their own individual megillot and then dictated the story in their own words to the morot. Each child created a gragger in the form of the Purim character of his or her choice. The children can't wait to take all of their Purim projects home on Friday.
We wish all of you a Chag Purim Samayach!!


  1. Purim Sameach! Is there any way that we can bring you shalach manot on Sunday? I know some schools give out their address and times to come drop off...

  2. So sweet. Sometimes the kids come to their teachers' homes, and sometimes they bring it to school the day after Purim. But it's the thought that counts!

  3. Kira has been talking about her projects all week. We can't wait to see them today and use them on Purim.

    Happy Purim
