Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Celebrating Thanksgiving

The "first" Thanksgiving was celebrated in the Yavneh cafeteria. Each early childhood class made a special treat that was shared by all. Our class made applesauce and cranberries. Mm Mm good! The Kindergarten classes were Native American Indians and the Pre K classes were the Pilgrims sharing the feast together.
We also listened to a story about a girl who came to America and wanted to celebrate Thanksgiving, but her mother was not sure a Jewish family should. After speaking to her Rav, they agreed that Thanksgiving is a day for everyone to be thankful to Hashem. Our friend, Mr. Boris, the security man at Yavneh, shared his story with us on why he came to America from Russia with his family 9 years ago. He showed us Russia on a map, and said he is thankful to be here because it is much easier to be Jewish here. Zachary explained, "My family is also from Russia. They came so they could daven here."

1 comment:

  1. Marcia and Beth,
    This is so nice. What a great idea to invite Boris to your class.
