Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Now you SEE IT. . . Now you DON'T!



A rainbow appeared and it didn't even rain

As part of our Purim celebration, Joe Fischer magically appeared in Yavneh's Beit Midrash. Joe began his magic show by pulling a "rainbow" from his mouth. The children were enthralled when he took coins from one of their ears and mouth and dropped them into a bucket.

Yea for the assistants!

 A highlight of the show was when our own Adam Brandwein was called to the stage to assist. Adam was rewarded for his efforts with a balloon dog. As the show ended, all Early Childhood children were accounted for. None had disappeared. We had a  great time!

1 comment:

  1. Do you believe in magic? We do! Thank you Joe Fischer and the student volunteers for making the show such a hit!
