Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Mishkan

Ganon Bet learned about the Keylim in the Mishkan. The children were divided up into 5 groups and given a picture of one of the Keylim that we learned about. They then had to work as a team to build that object out of blocks. It was a great excersize in teamwork and collaboration.

The first team built the Kiyor. The Kiyor had water in it that was used to wash the hands and feet of the Kohanim.

Team two built the Mizbeach. Bnai Yisrael brought Hashem presents on the Mizbeach. The Mizbeach had a ramp for the Kohen to walk up and down.
Team three built the Aron. Inside the Aron they kept the Luchot or Ten Commandments. On top of the Aron were two angels called Kruvim.
                     Team four built the Menorah. It was made out of gold and had 7 branches!

Team five built the Shulchan. The shulchan had 5 shelves and housed the Lechem Hapanim.

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