Thursday, May 23, 2013

Welcome New Kindergarten Friends!

Gan Gimmel did the mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim this morning. We welcomed in some new students who will be coming to Yavneh in the Fall. It was so much fun to make new friends and meet the incoming students.The children in our class were so friendly. They introduced themselves and shared their toys. Our new friends played in all of our centers, with the iPads and even our new sand table. We can't wait to see all of them again in September! 

Photo credit: Atara Pickett


  1. Hachnasat Orchim is a wonderful mitzvah where the hosts have an opportunity to give & the guests feel so welcome!

  2. Sarah wrote: "I just want to comment that the current kindergarten kids really did do hachnasat orchim. Two girls in particular, Ruthie and Tamar, came over to my little girl and introduced themselves, and asked what she likes to do so they could bring her over to a center that she would enjoy. Their parents and teachers should be so proud!"
