Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Yom Yerushalayim in Gan Gimmel!!

What an amazing Yom Yerushalayim we had in Gan Gimmel! The rain did not stop us for one minute. We started the day with Tefillah and sang Hallel in honor of this special day. We faced mizrach while we davened and the children remembered that this is the direction where the Kotel is in Yerushalayim. We watched a short video that was filmed this morning and sent from a friend of the morot who lives in the Old City of Yerushalayim overlooking the kotel. It depicted people dancing and singing in celebration. Gan Gimmel enjoyed a yummy indoor BBQ for lunch and a beautiful rainbow cake iced like an Israeli flag as a special treat. Thank you Ms. Terry and Morah Shani for all the yummy food.
Gan Gimmel got to be spectators at the Women's faculty-student basketball game. This is a Yavneh tradition and it was so much fun. Another real treat of today was watching our classmates Emily, Ruthie and Tehilla shine in their Cheerleading performance at halftime!


  1. What a great day and I saw that they loved the indoor BBQ

  2. Awesome, Amazing & Adorable!!!

  3. great job gan gimmel cheerleading girls. you did a great job.
